On Friday 10 August 2007 13:25, Gadi Cohen wrote:
> Did you cap the upload speed at under 10 Kb?  Or are you saying that you
Yes. BTW, as an experiment, I removed the cap and uploads reached about 20 
(slightly more than is "theoretically" possible. 

I also notice that a cap of 10 in rtorrent resulted in uploads of 10. In 
ktorrent, the same cap resulted in much lower upload speeds (usually about 
5) - despite the fact that I seemed to get better download speeds in ktorrent 
(but that's only my gut feeling - not really measured).

> of this is the slow upload speed of 16K/sec.  If your settings are
> correct and you're connecting to popular torrents, you will ALWAYS reach
> your maximum upload speed.  If you're not it probably means you have
> problematic settings.
I suspect the torrents I'm trying to get are not that popular and that's the 
reason I'm not complaining about slow downloads - it's a fact of life ;-)

> Don't forget that the reason why torrents are so effective is because
> the files are divided into tiny pieces and exchanged with LOTS of other
> hosts.  With 4 big and popular torrents, and depending on your settings,
> you could for example have 400 connections open all transfering data...
> and even tho each connection may only be transferring a tiny bit of
> data, all together its too much work for the router which is used to
> lots of data on just one connection (that it needs to keep track of,
> rewrite headers for NAT, etc...)
Again, with less popular torrents, that shouldn't be a problem. With only 4 
torrents and I'd guess less than 10 connections on each . . . 

> As for checking, I just noticed when downloading torrents with my old
> router than even pinging the router become abnormally slow, sometimes I
> couldn't log in via HTTP anymore...  but I guess every router will
that's exactly what I saw, but that's not an exact measurment.

> Did they notice that the Internet was slow or that the computer was
> slow?  The former would be a result of overloading your connection, the
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. The kids have there own computers, so resources 
would not be relevant. They complain about SLOW internet when I use ktorrent 
(and now rtorrent).

> P.S.  With popular torrents on a 1.5mbps connection, you should be able
> to get up to about 160K/sec or so...
On the VERY rare occaision that I go for a popular torrent, I have seen that, 
but again, on what I've been downloading, I rarely go over 10 or 20.

Shlomo Solomon
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