Herouth Maoz wrote:
Hello, fellow Linuxers. I'd like your advice regarding a job change.

I'm basically a PHP programmer, though in the past two years I've been doing more integration work and problem solving than any web development
I can use these 6 months to develop my skills in some other area of programming, and maybe even get some experience by participating in an open source project of some kind. What I'd like your advice on is - what directions are popular, have high demand, and can accommodate a programmer with lots of general experience, but not particular (other than the web)? Preferably ones that don't enslave people (no golden cages for the chance of becoming a millionaire).

If the general web application area suites you, and you don't want to
go all kernel hacking or some such, I'd seriously consider getting into Python and Django.

Don't be afraid of learning a new language - you wont need to. I'm writing non trivial Django web applications and I don't actually know Python (though I'm learning it fast without noticing).

In tandem, start getting involved with the Django project as much as you can: contribute code, documentation etc.

Since Django is racing towards the 1.0 release (currently in 0.97-pre), you'll be getting in to in on this project at the best of time: a killer framework that dwarfs any thing else around in the field (save maybe to Ruby on Rails), which is already productive but still the best kept secret of the geeks. Sort of Linux in 2.2 days :-)

If I'd have to bet my career on something in the web area or even general application development right now, Django would be it.


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