On Nov 20, 2007 7:32 AM, Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 20/11/2007, Yonah Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > AFAIK MySQL cluster requires using the NDB engine which is not 100%
> > compatible with MYISAM, etc. The more recent a version you have the
> better
> > off you will be but there was one point where autoincrement wasn't even
> > supported. Also from what I know, a NDB cluster needs at least three
> nodes.
> Excuse me for my ignorance but why should I care about MyISAM
> compatibility? Can't I use InnoDB as I currently use (or actually was
> dictated by the guys who did the initial web application for us)?

No- as I said you need to use the NDB engine which will have compatibility
issues with InnoDB as well. MyISAM was just an example.

> >
> > That doesn't mean you can't have an active-active database. If you
> > application is ready for it, you can set up MySQL in a Master Master
> > configuration (aka multimaster). For your application to be compatible
> you
> > basically need to use only autoincrement primary keys for all your
> tables
> > but you should read the whole Megilah - here is a good article:
> >
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/04/20/advanced-mysql-replication.html
> Thanks for that pointer - after half a day of googl'ing around about
> MySQL cluster, the link above was the first one to point to the fact
> that MySQL cluster is an in-memory database.
> >
> > Google has also released some code for multimaster configurations and
> they
> > have some docs also:
> > http://code.google.com/p/mysql-master-master/
> Thanks. I read about such a method (with 4 nodes) almost a year ago
> and thought that it might have become obsolate with MySQL cluster. Now
> I'll have to re-consider it.
> > Regarding Postgres- I can't recommend anything specific but I am looking
> > into pgpool and pgpool II for a new project.
> Why is pgpool relevant here? It more kind of a "reverse proxy fo
> postgres" in that it'll hide server failure by auto-connecting to
> another server. Does it handle data synchronisation as well?

>From the pgpool II web page:
pgpool-II is a inherited project of
pgpool<http://www2b.biglobe.ne.jp/%7Ecaco/pgpool/>(to classify from
pgpool-II, it is sometimes called as pgpool-I). For those
of you not familiar with pgpool-I, it is a multi-functional middle ware for
PostgreSQL that features connection pooling, replication and load balancing

As I said, I'm only evaluating it now but if it does what it says, then it
might be useful.

> Another point which was just raised in the office - it appears that we
> are going to use DRBD for SQLite synchronization - if so then it
> should make sense to use DRBD for MySQL synchronization as well to
> reduce the configuration complexity. Any thoughts on that?

I have only used DRBD in Active-Passive settings to eliminate the need for
Maybe you could put the database files on a cluster filesystem over DRBD?

Depending on your budget/configuration, NetApp has recently started selling
an inexpensive storage solution ($3000) the StoreVault S300. I haven't tried
it but the price is right.
I've also been meaning to try Coraid storage although their prices in Israel
were not as attractive as in the States.

I'm afraid that I'll have to convert my PostgresQL web service to use
> MySQL instead just to reduce the clutter...
> Thanks,
> --Amos
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