On 22/11/2007, Oleg Goldshmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you don't want to change your installation, put
> SHELL=/bin/bash
> at the top of your Makefile. This is probably a good idea for
> portability if you don't trust the user's $SHELL to have all the
> needed features.

1. As far as I followed the thread he said at an early stage that he'd
rather not touch the Makefile because it's auto-generated.

2. For maximum portability it's most probably best to just avoid
dependency on bash at all and stick to /bin/sh.

> I wonder how much it screws up. I imagine there are quite a few
> #!/bin/sh scripts and makefiles without explicit SHELL override and

I think one of Debian's policies is to avoid dependency on bash in
scripts for exactly that reason - it's not always available (e.g.
during installation?).

> what not that expect echo options, regular expressions, and other
> stuff ash/dash does not provide. Yes, I realize that it is technically
> careless. That's no excuse for keeping the default interactive shell
> different from the default environment shell on a desktop system.

I'm not sure what does the "default interactive shell" have to do here
- properly-written shell scripts shouldn't depend on their environment
(well - unless of course they are designed to be configured through
the environment). That's why they should set their PATH etc (even just
for security reasons)...

I used to use tcsh as my interactive shell for over a decade, and it
(and /bin/csh) used to be the default shell assigned to new users on
many systems I worked on.


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