On Friday, 23 בNovember 2007, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
> "Amos Shapira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > - properly-written shell scripts shouldn't depend on their
> > environment

Hmmm... I hope you don't advocate massive overriding of environment
variables in shell scripts: PATH, HOME, TERM and zillions of others
are meant to be inheritted. That's what the environment is for.

What shell scripts *should* depend is standard behaviour, both of the
shell and many other standard utilities (ls, tar, pwd, etc).

> But t?csh was *not* the default interactive shell on those systems. I

The correctness of you assertion greatly depends on which "those" you mean.
Sunos (which was the dominant Unix throughout the 80's and the beginning
of the 90's) had /bin/csh as default. BTW, this explains how some parts
in the academic world got the weird idea of teaching scripting in csh.

> For reasons of portability that you mentioned yourself, the default
> SHELL used by many programs (e.g., make) is /bin/sh. That is what
> changed on Kfir's system, changed in a way that a user cannot
> override

Completely agree.

> ...and it turned out that as a result a utility so basic 
> as echo did not implement any options (-n and -e are just about the
> only options echo has).

Berkeley 'echo':
  Uses the -n option to suppress newlines.
System-V 'echo' (base of POSIX standard):
  Uses escapes (\c to cancel newline, \t for tab, etc).
Linux /bin/echo:
  Berkeley like with some extra options (including a -e
  to enable Sys-V escapes).
Bash: ditto.
Tcsh: configurable behaviour depending on $echo_style

So it's risky to take echo for granted. What you thought as
standard (bash behaviour) is actually an extension of the standard.

> But there is a lesson here somewhere: a) don't use echo options in
> portable #!/bin/sh scripts;

Good advice.

> b) consider #!/bin/bash even for portable code (restricting it to
> systems with bash installed, of course).

Hmmm... I disagree, but I'll leave it as a religious subject ;-)

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