On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 14:32 +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:
> Speaking about bugs, I would appreciate it if people who use GNOME's
> Evolution to read mail would subscribe for bug 490241 in GNOME's
> bugzilla (link below) which I'm trying to promote as a comprehensive
> list of BiDi editing problems in Evolution.
> As everyone who ever tried writing Hebrew email (and possibly Arabic
> also) in Evolution knows, anything other then a few words is very
> annoying to write as almost any kind of text editing you want to do is
> messed up horribly in Evolution's mail composer. 
> The ticket above received some notice as one of the developers assigned
> the correct keyword to the ticket, but otherwise it got no attention
> what so ever, and I would really like to promote BiDi awareness in
> Evolution - as currently there is none. If you'd like to help the cause,
> it easy - just register to GNOME bugzilla (standard procedure with email
> confirmation) and CC yourself on this bug. If you'd like to comment with
> your own horror stories go ahead, but please no "me too" comments - I
> don't want to SPAM the developers, just get more awareness (I think that
> the emails that get auto-CCed according to product and component do not
> receive notification on adding/removing CCs).
> Direct link to the bug report:
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=490241
> Thanks in advance.

Just my 0.02, but you do know that a kitten dies every time someone
posts a -long- multi-bug-report, right?

I'm not the maintainer I nearly poked my eye out half way through the
description - you've got at least 6 different bug reports all gobbled
into a single BZ#.

I'd suggest you create a number --short-- bug-reports and close the
original one. (Even if it seems that they all stem from a single bug)

- Gilboa

To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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