On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 17:25 +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 15:01 +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> > On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 14:32 +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:
> > > Speaking about bugs, I would appreciate it if people who use GNOME's
> > > Evolution to read mail would subscribe for bug 490241 in GNOME's
> > > bugzilla (link below) which I'm trying to promote as a comprehensive
> > > list of BiDi editing problems in Evolution.
> > Just my 0.02, but you do know that a kitten dies every time someone
> > posts a -long- multi-bug-report, right?
> > I'd suggest you create a number --short-- bug-reports and close the
> > original one. (Even if it seems that they all stem from a single bug)
> Of course if a developer would comment on the bug to that effect I would
> do that, but generally I think there are advantages to have a ticket
> that tracks the state of some specific problem, even if it is later
> divided into several different tickets each with its own fix - for
> example see the infamous Mozilla MNG bug: is a good place to rally
> support for an issue.
> Do you think it's a better idea to have a ticket for "BiDi problems in
> Evolution" that will be dependent on all BiDi related bugs? There are
> several others besides said ticket, some even that other people have
> reported ;).

In general, I (as a developer) rather get a number of "small" bug
reports, with a top-level "BIDI problems in evolution" blocker bug that
depends on all the small ones.

Having short bug report with easy to follow test-cases makes it easier
for the maintainer to track individual issues.

- Gilboa

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