I have not tested this extensively, but you could try:
  pgrep ssh |tail -1

This will give you the PID of that last ssh process


On Dec 26, 2007 2:55 PM, Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi List.
> I'm writing a script to automate some system maintenance tasks, and I
> want to connect over SSH to several remote computers and do stuff on
> them. I'm using ssh -f to background ssh so I can run the same operation
> on multiple machines in parallel, otherwise it will be too slow - the
> maintenance job may take up to a few minutes to run and the script is
> not supposed to be fully automatic: a human is to monitor the process.
> But I don't want just to fire and forget the SSH processes - I want to
> exit from the script only when all the SSH processes have completed. I
> can do that by monitoring the process ids of the background SSH
> processes, if I could know them - which I'm having a difficult time
> detecting.
> I'm writing in bash, and optimally it would be something like this:
> for server in 1 2 ...; do
>    ssh -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'run maintenance task'
>    pids="$pids $(getSSHpid)"
> done
> while kill -0 $pids 2>/dev/null; do echo "Waiting.."; sleep 1; done
> but I didn't manage to find a way to get the process id of the ssh
> process after it goes to background, other the 'ps'ing for it.
> How can I go about doing this?
> --
> Oded
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