On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:50:44 +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 16:02 +0200, Tom Rosenfeld wrote:
> >   pgrep ssh |tail -1
> they way I read it  ...
> ...  it looks like there will be a race condition here.
> Maybe I could filter on "session id" or "process group id" if I would
> know how to set it.

Here is a little trick that will solve the race condition -
create a unique name for the ssh you run.

Example of use in bash:

SSH=`which ssh`            # locate ssh on PATH
NSSH=my_ssh_$$             # unique ssh name (you can add $USER, time ...)
TSSH=/tmp/$NSSH            # abs name
rm -f $TSSH                # may be we have leftovers
ln -s $SSH $TSSH           # create it on /tmp
$TSSH command parameters & # run the ssh in BG
rm -f $TSSH                # remove symbolic link (not needed any more)
PID=`pgrep $NSSH`          # find pid of MY ssh


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