On Mon, 2007-12-31 at 13:35 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> No useful info in this email.

Depending on how you look at it - to paraphrase Thomas Edison: I haven't
failed, I found 3 things that do not work.

Aside, if you're not into the AJAX $h!t then squirrel mail is as good a
choice as any.

> Oded Arbel wrote:
> > They have online demos
> > you can play with at their site, including using them to access your own
> > email box. 
> >
> >   
> Oh, so they collect actual email passwords now :-) Must be the next 
> great thing.

Sorry if it wasn't clear from my email - I would not recommend anyone to
use said service to access important email. I have several throw away
email boxes for purposes like these, I assume most people have that.



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