On Sunday 06 January 2008, Oron Peled wrote:
> On Sunday, 6 בJanuary 2008, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > I have the following networking bug on my Linux computer:
> > http://community.livejournal.com/shlomif_tech/3938.html
> > ...
> > So I'm asking if anyone here has a working 100 Mbps Ethernet card that he
> > can lend me so I can temporarily replace it in my machine,
> A. Shlomi, a no-name Ethernet card (e.g: those pesky RTL* based)
>    cost about the same as a movie ticket. In the time you spend
>    posting and waiting for answers you could have had a new
>    hardware (which may be usable in the future for other purposes).

Well, if I am going to buy an Ethernet card, I'll probably buy a higher 
quality one, which will last longer. I'm still not sure this is the problem 
I'm experiencing.

> B. And from reading the page you pointed to, I truly couldn't
>    see your diagnostic problem:
>    1. You say you have another (non-Linux?) host on the same LAN that has
>       no connection problems.
>    2. Why don't you try to connect from this host to your Linux box?
>       E.g: putty from Windows to Linux. Or Knoppix-boot it and test
>       copying a large file to/from your Mandriva box.
>    3. If this works -- network card is OK and you have a software problem

I can connect from my Linux host to the Internet fine, it's only one 
particular remote host (www.shlomifish.org) that causes problems. 
Furthermore, I can connect from my Linux host to/from any other host in my 
LAN. The problem is between the Linux machine and a particular host on the 
Internet - sometimes other hosts like Google.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

I'm not an actor - I just play one on T.V.

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