Please check /dev/null permission, and make sure that you all users
have access for it.
If that's the case, there is a udev file that should be edited in
order to make it create the permission properly.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:45 AM, David Suna
> On my kids' computer I did a network upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04.
> Unfortunately, during the upgrade process the machine was rebooted.  The
> machine boots now but when I log in under X the desktop doesn't come up at
> all.  I just get a blank beige window.  I also don't know what else got
> messed up because of the interrupted upgrade.  I can ssh into the machine.
> I did the upgrade using Synaptic and I am not very familiar with apt
> commands.  Can anyone tell me how I can fix this mess?  To complicate the
> problem, the dvd drive on that machine is broken so I cannot boot from a
> rescue disk.  I assume that there should be a way to tell the system to
> complete the upgrade process but I don't know the appropriate commands.
>  Pointers to appropriate web sites or documentation would also be
> appreciated.
>  --
>  David Suna
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