What about  /etc/shadow  and other sensitive files? so no encrypting your
root filesystem is also an issue.

What if you put the hard drive under a very strong magnetic field? 

> ----- Original Message -----
> Subject: Re: data security
> From: Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz>
> To: "Orr Dunkelman" <orr.dunkel...@gmail.com>
> CC: "linux-il" <linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>,"Erez D" <erez0...@gmail.com>
> Date: 04-02-2009 13:02
> Orr Dunkelman wrote:
> >
> >
> > I guess that the configuration may still reveal some secrets (like
> > which hosts are important enough to be in /etc/hosts), but it's better
> > than nothing...
> >
> >   
> On my laptop, "most" of the data is not encrypted. I discovered that 
> compiling inside an encrypted partition is horrendously slow. Still, I 
> do it if the data is sensitive (e.g. - all data and sources belonging to 
> clients automatically goes there). I also keep certain important stuff 
> there (my email client folder, my documents folder, browser history 
> etc.) This is fairly easily achieved with symbolic links.
> Also, keep in mind that some things are automatically generated but 
> still sensitive. The most important examples are my bash history file ( 
> .bash_history under your home directory) and the database for the 
> "locate" command (/var/cache/locate). The former shows a history of the 
> commands I type, and the later has a list of all files on the system, 
> including those inside the encrypted directory.
> This configuration is more dangerous, no doubt, as it is entirely 
> possible that I have missed something (do share if you think of 
> anything). It works pretty well for me, however.
> Shachar
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