On Sun, 2009-02-08 at 13:24 +0200, Dvir Volk wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Oron Peled <o...@actcom.co.il> wrote:
> > On Saturday, 7 בFebruary 2009, Dvir Volk wrote:
> >> > The Fedora KDE team is heavily testing and bug-fixing KDE-4.2 for
> >> > the release. In about a week it should land in the official
> >> > repositories (which means you would get it if you simply yum update
> >> > your system).
> btw, are you sure someone with FC10 will just get kde 4.2 if they
> update their system?

KDE 4.2 has already pushed to updates-testing; I'd assume it'll land in
-updates in mid-next-week.
(P.S. I'm using KDE 4.2 on a number of workstation (from
KDE-RedHat/testing) and it seems to be stable.)

> isn't this against the usual distro version policy? or is kde 4.1 so
> bad they're going to make an exception?

Version upgrade decisions (Beyond, say, GCC, glibc and GNOME) are at the
hands of the package maintainer.

- Gilboa

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