On Sunday, 8 בFebruary 2009, Dvir Volk wrote:
> btw, are you sure someone with FC10 will just get kde 4.2 if they
> update their system?

As the links I sent you show, it is in the process (for both F10 and F9).

> isn't this against the usual distro version policy? or is kde 4.1 so
> bad they're going to make an exception?

Depends on which distro. Although there are no hard and fast rules and
each maintainer uses his judgment, Fedora try hard to be fast pacing
distribution. I run 'yum update' daily and maybe once or twice a week
there *aren't* any updates ;-)

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
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"The future is here,  it's just not evenly distributed yet." 
        - William Gibson

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