2009/7/22 Matitiahu Allouche <mat...@il.ibm.com>
> I am looking for a mail agent, probably working from the command line, which 
> can send all my messages as a batch, or that I can invoke repeatedly within a 
> script to send each message in turn.
> This mail agent should be available under Linux and Windows (I know, I 
> know...), should be free (as in free beer) or cost just a few dollars, 
> preferably open source.

If you are already going to code things and need it to run both on
Linux and Windows then my personal choice would be Perl 5
(http://strawberryperl.com/ for Windows version) with Net::SMTP
(http://search.cpan.org/~gbarr/libnet-1.22/Net/SMTP.pm) for the SMTP

Perl will also provide you with templating tools (e.g.
TemplateToolkit, start with
http://search.cpan.org/~abw/Template-Toolkit-2.22/lib/Template.pm and
http://template-toolkit.org/) to allow you to "mail merge" constant
text with dynamic data.

If you don't want to use perl Net::SMTP then mutt seems most
approperiate "shell-level" command to use for that, IMHO.

I'll bet the Python Phanatics among us will list the Python equivalent
of the above :).

Hope this helps, please let us know how it went.



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