On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 23:25 +0300, Matitiahu Allouche wrote:
> The following is a quite naive question, and not strictly
> Linux-oriented, so delete this mail if you find it offending. 
> My problem is the following: 
> I need to periodically (once a month) send an e-mail message to a
> number of recipients (about a hundred). 
> Each message is different and will be created as a separate file by an
> application which is not of concern. The message may be plain text,
> but HTML is preferred. 
> Each message will also have one file attachment (the same for all
> recipients). 
> I don't have access to a mail server except as a regular client. 
> I am ready to write whatever programs are needed to put the data in
> proper format, including the HTML sugar on the plain text. 
> I am ready to write scripts as needed. 
> I am looking for a mail agent, probably working from the command line,
> which can send all my messages as a batch, or that I can invoke
> repeatedly within a script to send each message in turn. 
> This mail agent should be available under Linux and Windows (I know, I
> know...), should be free (as in free beer) or cost just a few dollars,
> preferably open source. 
> Some googling has provided the following mail-agent names which seem
> to answer my requirements: 
> Alpine, Gnus, Mutt, Pine, VM (View Mail) 
actually you don't need these clients, you can send mail directly by
sendmail or any other MTA on system or write a script by any script
language, for example by perl.

few links:


Thanks, Serge.

> I will appreciate any advice, either positive or negative, concerning
> those programs, or others which answer my requirements. 
> Shalom (Regards),  Mati
>           Bidi Architect
>           Globalization Center Of Competency - Bidirectional Scripts
>           IBM Israel
>           Phone: +972 2 5888802    Fax: +972 2 5870333    Mobile: +972
> 52 2554160
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