On יום ראשון 30 אוגוסט 2009 11:36:03 Oron Peled wrote:
> I normally follow your original method -- put some effort *before* buying
> to have an idea about good/problematic hardware. I also make sure
> that the people who sell stuff will know *why* I chose their hardware
> (because its vendor is cooperating with the Linux community and as
> a result the hardware just work out of the box).

While I do tend to agree with what you say... who are those "people"? Is it 
the poor salesman who gets payed 22nis/h for seeling on office depot? or the 

If you are molesting a poor kid, please see this: http://xkcd.com/225/

If you are actually talking about the vendors, how are you exactly contanting 
them? I am sure they would like to hear happy customers. 

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