On Oct 14, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Ira Abramov wrote:

my fellow sysadmins - Nezeq just called one of my client offering an
upgrade from 5000/500 to NGN 10000/800. They say it only takes a sec as
their router is compatible. Is it stable and safe by now? should one
make the switch?

If it only takes a second, they already have it. Sometime in the past, when they were not looking, BEZEQ changed their connection to NGN, but left the old speed settings. Unless there is some hidden instability in the router, it should be exactly the same, except occasionaly faster.

What I have found having two lines, one aDSL, one HOT with two different ISP's is that the download/upload speeds outside of Israel are influeneced by more factors than just connection speed. With a few exceptions, they both seem to connect to the same sites at the same throughput. What is limited by the line speed is the agregate speed. I may be able to get 150k bytes per second from one site at a particular time of day, but I can get two connections to two diffferent sites on the 2.5m line and four on the 5m.

geoffrey mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem Israel geoffreymendel...@gmail.com

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