On 17/04/2010 08:53, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>>  These have UI improvements from the manufacturers with great
>> features...
> I have only looked at the Galaxy when it first came out. At that time,
> I did not spot ANY differences between it and the vanilla Android.
> What improvements does it contain?

Ok, my bad... I was writing from memory and didn't realize there were
two different similar sounding phones:

Old phone:   Samsung i7500 Galaxy aka "Samsung Galaxy" 
New phone:  Samsung i9000 Galaxy S aka "Samsung Galaxy S"

I was actually talking about the latter.  Which will only be released in
the summer, I think.

For that reason I haven't seen it myself of course, but in terms of UI
you can see e.g. a much nicer main menu :) in the 2nd video on this

(I should note that the HTC Evo 4G includes HTC's Sense UI, which looks
fantastic, plenty videos of this around. You can find it ported to the
Nexus One but then of course you're limited to updates to that ROM... 
some Nexus One features might not work).

As for hardware, the highlights here (also from the link above):

1) Super AMOLED screen.  Looks amazing, brighter, better contrast, uses
less power.  See video.
2) Possibly the fastest processor on the market, but it's debatable. 
It's also 1Gz like the N1 but can draw triangles 3 times a fast. 
3) 8 or 16GB internal RAM.



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <dra...@wastelands.net> www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
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