On 17/04/2010 09:37, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> I must admit that I found Sense to be underwhelming. Sense will
> probably be great for people who use facebook and twitter a lot, as it
> has very tight integration with these services.
> HTC's decision to make Sense plugins distinct from Android Launcher
> plugins is, in my view, a lame attempt to prevent people from taking
> the Sense plugins, and holds no technological merit.
> Inside Android, at least, it feels like a shallow casing around the
> core system, and I prefer the uniformity of having a standard
> interface throughout the system.
No real argument from me, all valid points. But again, this seems to
agree with what I said before... Stock Android (or CyanogenMod, etc) is
the way to go for technical users, but more vanilla users may well
prefer the eye candy of Sense (and it's social integration, although we
have some of that in Android 2.1 now) without caring too much about the
open source implications.
>> 1) Super AMOLED screen. Looks amazing, brighter, better contrast,
>> uses less power. See video.
> Is it reflective? Usually, the brighter colors are due to a reflective
> surface, which makes it more difficult to work with.
>From Wikipedia[1] (looks like the info came straight from Samsung):

"The main advantages of Samsung’s new Super AMOLED vs the first
generation AMOLED:
* 20% brighter screen.
* 80% less sunlight reflection.
* 20% more battery life."

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_AMOLED

Somewhere (I guess youtube) you can see the difference between the
iphone and the galaxy S in direct sunlight... I remember being very
>> 2) Possibly the fastest processor on the market, but it's debatable.
>> It's also 1Gz like the N1 but can draw triangles 3 times a fast.
>> http://androidandme.com/2010/03/news/samsung-galaxy-s-hummingbird-chip-to-have-3x-gpu-power-of-snapdragon/
> So I have to ask about battery time and weight.
No idea about battery time...
Weight (from Google): 118g, sounds good. Looks nice and slim in the
video I posted before too.

Oh, and I forgot to mention two of the impressive hardware specs of the
Evo 4G (besides wimax):
* 8 megapixel back facing and 1.3 megapixel front facing camera
* hdmi out



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <dra...@wastelands.net> www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
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