On Jun 3, 2010, at 9:46 PM, Meir Michanie wrote:

Hi list,
I have a linksys running wrt-54 and it is connected to the bezeq ADSL2+ aztech dsl-600e. Before the upgrade I was using alcatel dsl modem configured as router. It worked fine without any disconnection. Since my upgrade to NGN 10Mb, I am experiencing disconnections. I called 166 and they told me that the line seems to be ok. I also got a D-Link 2650u from them . I still didn't open the d-link router. My experience so far with aztech is that when I configured as a router, the modem would create the internet connection but would freeze in a few minutes, the web interface to the modem once connected became unaccessible.
What are your experience with the aztech modem? at what speed?
Anyone using the d-link?
How is all this linux related? Well, they told me to use the bezeq dialer, but fortunately I do not own a windows pc. wrt-54 is a linux firmware. :) They told me that the experience I had with the aztech modem could be that my particular modem is bad and I could replace it for another aztech.

I had similar problems until I purchased an EdiMax ar-7084 router from Bug. it still continued to fail randomly until I replaced the telephone line cord with the one that was in the box.

Now it works perfectly. However eventually the connection gets "stale" and I have problems with Asterisk loosing connections. At that point (usually about 4 days), I reboot the router and it's fine.

I had a problem with the web interface using FireFox (it worked fine with Safari) and sent them a message via their support request on the web site. The next day, I woke up to a reply from them that included a pointer to a later version of the firmware that fixed the problem.


Note that this router connects directly to the aDSL line, it does not use an aztech or other "modem".I have a 15m/800k NGN line. At peak performance, I get 2.4 megabytes per second download. I connect to 012 using PPPoe, and the router supports other protocols if you need them.

Just for completeness the only thing connected to the line is an HP J4580 fax/printer/scanner in another room. Connected to that is a DECT phone base station.


geoffrey mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem Israel geoffreymendel...@gmail.com
New word I coined 12/13/09, "Sub-Wikipedia" adj, describing knowledge or understanding, as in he has a sub-wikipedia understanding of the situation. i.e possessing less facts or information than can be found in the Wikipedia.

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