On Fri, 4 Jun 2010 09:36:52 +0300, Dan Shimshoni <danshi...@gmail.com>
> Hello,
> This is a bit uncommon question:
>   - I have a PC running linux in a basement which is quite far from
> the Access Point of the house.
> I want to take advantage of this place to work and to be able to connect
> to the Internet from this PC in this quite corner.
> I cannot see the wireless Access Point while scanning with this PC. I
> tried to
> connect a long USB cable with a USB wireless NIC,
> but I get USB errors while using it. I know I can try to move the
> wireless Access Point
> closer, but I am afraid that other PCs (which also run Linux) will
> then suffer lose of wireless
> connection. I really want to solve my problem without moving it.
> so my question is: What do you advise ? can  I use the exisiting
> infrasturcture
> without changes (only additions are OK) to be able to connect to the
> internet?
> Can I somehow connect a second wireless Access Point by ethernet cable,
> and then
> connect that Access Point (by wireless) to the first, main Access
> Point ? (something like a bridge).
> I saw something which is called
> Wireless Distribution System (WDS)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Distribution_System
> Could I use this ? is there any wireless Access Point which
> is sold in local stores in Israel which supports this feature ?
> Rgs,
> DS

Recently, I extended a TP-LINK wireless router by an Edimax wireless
router ( both 802.11N )
with encryption and mac filtering over rough environment , in order to
connect my 
media computer to the home (wireless) network.
Indeed, I'm loosing throughput but it didnt affect the ability
to watch videos from network shares.

By definition, you just need to connect the repeater to power and that's
I would most heartedly recommend this setup.


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