I think your best bet is B&N Nook Color.
The 7 inch screen is not as small as you think. I have a 7" tablet from
China, and the screen size is just right. It's the size of an English
paperback. (I know that Hebrew ones are larger, for some reason...)
The main advantages I see are functionality. Because once you have an
ereader, you're going to want to do more with it than just read books and
browse the internet. The Nook is marketed as an ereader with functionality,
and it gets better. Last week Android Honeycomb (3.0) was successfully
installed on the Nook Color.
It still needs work, but it looks promising.

2011/2/3 Amichai Rotman <amic...@iglu.org.il>

> Hello all,
> Any of you got the Amazon Kindel?
> I was thinking of buying one (the WiFi $140 model) and was wondering if
> it's a good idea.
> The eVrit reader seems to be total waste of money - 900 NIS for 50% of the
> features and power...
> I'd appreciate your input.
> Thanks!
> Amichai.
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