On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 01:23:33PM +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 Apr 2011 08:32:29 geoffrey mendelson wrote:

> > My guess is that streams is based on AT&T patents and was never
> > reverse engineered.
> > 
> That's not true. STREAMS was part of the Unix98 standard (now mostly 
> superseded by the Linux Standard Base), and there was a STREAMS patch for it 
> for the Linux kernel. However, AFAIR Linus was unwilling to apply it because 
> he claimed it made everything else slower.

"STREAMS was required for conformance with the Single UNIX Specification
versions 1 (UNIX 95) and 2 (UNIX 98), but as a result of the refusal of
the BSD and Linux flavors of UNIX to provide STREAMS, was marked as
optional for POSIX compliance by the Austin Group in version 3 (UNIX


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