On 07/17/2011 07:19 PM, Michael Shiloh wrote:

On 07/17/2011 09:15 AM, Stan Goodman wrote:

To be more general, it is unheard of for a prospective guest to set
political conditions for his hosts. Aside of any other aspects, the man
is a boor, and should have been ignored.

I'm not sure that's true. Haven't musicians and other performers used their platform as a way to express agreement or disagreement with particular political positions for ages?

Expressing agreement or disagreement is not what I said. I said making political conditions for deigning to accept the invitation (and, parenthetically, taking the hosts money). I did not mention e.g. Barenboim, but that is a whole nuther story. Stallman has the chutzpa to announce that he won't come unless we endorse his politics, those of a man who lives 10,000km away, and doesn't have to be frisked before he goes into a supermarket, and who would laugh at you if you suggested that he do what it takes to vote here. If the invitation has already been issued and accepted, I can only hope that nobody shows up except the committee, and that those worthies be left to explain to him why he is speaking to an empty hall.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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