2011/11/14 Hetz Ben Hamo <het...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'll give you one: Supporting hosting customers.
> Explanation: there are over 40 businesses here in Israel which provides VPS
> and dedicated server renting solutions.
> Most of those businesses (including mine) provide the machine to the
> customers as "unmanaged",
> which means: the support you'll get relates only to network (if your
> VPS/Server) can communicate to and from the server
> The other part of support: shutting down/restart/pause/reset the server.
> Anything else - you're on your own. You can purchase a bank of hours for
> support or you can get emergency support for a higher price.
> There are, of course, some hosting businesses which will give you managed
> service, but in most case I would strongly recommend to get a freelance who
> will do the job for the client.
> Why? because they *SUCK AT IT* ! spreading root privileges all over the
> place, changing permissions of directories and files to 777, opening the
> internal firewall (if it exists, most of the time it's not) to everyone+his
> dog, and other nonsense stuff, and I'm also talking about the *BIG*
> providers which are also ISP - they suck, period!
> I think that this niche is mostly empty and people can get some
> jobs/contracts with such customers.
> If anyone want to register himself, I have a neutral forum for that. see
> here: http://hosts-forum.com/index.php
> Hope this helps,
> Hetz

I can vouch for this. I am not a CS major and I consider myself a
Linux amateur, but I have worked supporting various Linux servers for
locals. Of course, I was making nowhere near the level of income that
Shahar discusses on his blog, experience wins hands-down in that

Dotan Cohen


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