On Nov 14, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

I can vouch for this. I am not a CS major and I consider myself a
Linux amateur, but I have worked supporting various Linux servers for
locals. Of course, I was making nowhere near the level of income that
Shahar discusses on his blog, experience wins hands-down in that

The problem inherent in support jobs is that the majority of customers are unable to tell the difference between someone charging 50 NIS an hour for support and someone charging $50 an hour or $100 an hour.

It's especially common among "creative" people who think that they are unique in their field and charge top dollar, but think that you are an idiot who can be replaced with another idiot who charges less.

I subscribe to English language lists populated by anglo olim, and always see questions for who is the cheapest as in cell phone companies, satellite TV companies, ISP's and every vendor you can possibly imagine. I never see anyone asking "who is the best?", "who provides the best service?" and so on.

Long ago I got out of the PC repair/support business when the 50 NIS an hour people took over.

So the trick is not just being able to support people better than anyone else, it's as Omer said, finding a salesperson to convince them to believe it.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
My high blood pressure medicine reduces my midichlorian count. :-(

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