On Thu, 2012-07-19 at 10:55 +0300, yochai wrote:
> Hey,
> It isn't the first idea that comes to mind but what about SDL ?

How about giving an URL to a Website or a Wikipedia article, which
describes the specific SDL that you refer to?

When searching both resources, Google returned irrelevant links and
Wikipedia was rather ambiguous.

--- Omer

"Kosher" Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
May the recently deceased "Rabbi" Elyashiv rot in Hell due to his decree 
forbidding "non-Kosher" cellphones
(and his non-opposition to the ruling exempting synagogues from the requirement 
to be accessible to people with disabilities)!
(See also: 
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