> Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 13:08:50 +0100
> From: Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
> > You can make the whole document RTL by setting a buffer-local
> > variable.  
> How do I make this variable part of the document?

With file-local variables.  For example, put this at the end of the

;;; Local Variables:
;;;   bidi-paragraph-direction: right-to-left
;;; End:

> > You also leave the overall direction dynamic and control
> > each paragraph's direction with the first strong directional character
> > of the paragraph, or with LRM/RLM if the first character is not what
> > you need.
> > 
> > For HTML, translate those into the corresponding dir= directives.
> How do I translate a document to HTML from the command line?

I don't know; how did you intend to do it originally?

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