I am not a professional programmer, but after taking a couple of Python
online courses, I am trying to put the knowledge to good use. I am working
on a few study-aids for learning English words.

Currently I write the code in gedit or nano/pico, then run the script in a
terminal, using "python scriptname.py". The platform we used in class (
http://www.codeskulptor.org/) is not designed for programming on a PC, I
need some advice on an IDE that allows one to code and run and decode
errors from within the IDE because mine is not the best way to develop

It would also be nice to create a GUI version of my code (currently all
takes place in a terminal), and even possibly move it to the web (i.e. run
the program inside a browser window), if that is doable.

Finally, I would also like to continue using the language and maybe
contribute to community projects that use it (yes, I realize a couple of
courses do not a programmer make).

So I have a number of questions:

1. Is there an Israel/Tel Aviv Python group?

2. Are there any places where someone can help in python projects? I hear
rumors there is something on Google Campus, but I am not sure if it is
python related or if they take newbies.

3. Would someone be willing to 'mentor' me - that is, help me move up the
python food chain, by doing OOP programming, using advanced IDE's tools,
making apps from my code so people can use it on a cell phone or tablet, or
as part of Facebook, disseminate the code through git or similar versioning
tools, etc.?

Thanks for your time,

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