Mrinal Kalakrishnan saw fit to inform LI that: 

>There is nothing in the docs about it. But the reason should be pretty
>clear. As soon as you switch to another folder, mutt goes through all

Phew, thanks Mrinal and Binand.  It's so obvious that am kicking myself :(
Thanks a lot.  Now, when mail to one of the lists arrives, it shows To:
listname instead of From: sender.  What's the workaround for this?

Also - a slightly different question.  I subscribe to LIH Digest and use
this procmail recipe -

* (^Reply-To:.*|^TO)linux-india-help
| formail -I "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -ds \

If someone forwards an email as an attachment to LIH, what happens is that
the attached email is also split when this recipe takes effect.  As
sort=threads is set, what happens is that the attached mail goes
elsewhere into the folder.  

As LI-H is a ~very~ high traffic list, it's a hassle when I have to search
up and down over 40 messages for it.  Fixes?

Suresh Ramasubramanian     | President, CAUCE India
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Stopping Spam In India
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.

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