
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> isnt there anything that will try to detect the card the kind that does during
> the install.  Otherwise I have to tell him to open the box see the card locate
> the module and edit etc/conf.modules and then run linuxconf and he will make
> stupid jokes about Linux (remember I am trying to get him to use Linux from, the
> windoze world) . I would like to avoid that as much as possible. Of course I

For that matter I don't think that even Windows would autodetect a non pnp
card. It also would be doing what Arun asked you to do in case its not a pnp
card i.e try all the available network card driver modules or else open the Box
and look at the ethernet chip on the card.

May be you can write a small perl script or so which basically tries to load
the different modules in /lib/modules/xxx/net and checks its return status to
see if it successfully loaded or not,  to automate the process.

I don't remember any scripting language properly now, I look at them only
when I have some work which can be done easly using them, So here is the algo
to achieve the automation which Windows may be providing

#!/usr/bin/algo :-)
ChangeDir(/lib/modules/`uname -r`/net)
if( $? != 0 ) abort;

for (file IN currentdir) do
  insmod file
  if SUCCESS then AddTo(PossibleDriverList);


Keep :-)

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