On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:34:36PM -0800, Arun Sharma wrote:

> > Now, we want to telnet from several machines through this proxy onto the
> > internet.
> Squid is not a telnet or a ftp proxy. You have to run something else
> (I don't know off hand - you'll have to do your own research). Typically,
> IP masquerading (or NAT as it is called outside Linux circles) does a
> much better job. There proxying gets done at the IP level, rather than
> the application level.

I have a small pgm called "redir" that I picked up God only knows
where or when, that does something like this.  You basically run
it on the gateway machine, and tell it to listen on - say - port
2300 and then forward all connections on that port to port 23 of
some specified host.  Essentially the same as what "ssh -R ..."
does or even netcat, I think.  Let me know ifyou want the source.

For general purpose "telnet to anywhere" Arun is right - no
substitute for IP masq.

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