Here are the results of the Linux India survey that was conducted
a week ago.  The participation in the survey was dismal.

Number of responses:    50

Mean        27.43
Median      25
Mode        21
Min         17
Max         61

Comments: God.  I feel so old now.  Once upon a time I was always younger than
the mean and median of age distributions. ;-)

Student         14 (28%)
Software        12 (24%)
Consultant      6  (12%)
Exocore ;-)     3  ( 6%)
Freelancer      2  ( 4%)
Hardware        2  ( 4%)
Other           11 (22%)

Comments: No surprises here.  The list has a sizable student population.  Those
of us that work are mainly in the software field.  Quite a few of us are also
self-employed / consultants / freelancers.

Years of Linux Experience
Mean        2.76
Median      2
Mode        1
Min         0
Max         9

Comments: I don't know about the 'Max'.  Looks like most of the list has a
decent amount exposure to Linux.

Level of Linux Experience
Beginner              8 (16%)
Intermediate         35 (70%)
Guru in trainin       6 (12%)
Linus                 1 ( 2%)

Comments: Many in the list seem to hesitate to rate themselves highly.  After
all, modesty is a virtue.

Level of participation in list
Lurker               15 (30%)
Post infrequenetly   25 (50%)
Post quite often      7 (14%)
Post everyday         3 ( 6%)

Comments: This the most disturbing statistic.  Only 20% of the list seems to
participate with any regularity.  Perhaps this is because of the sheer amount of
traffic in the list.

Bangalore            16 (32%)
Chennai               6 (12%)
Mumbai                5 (10%)
New Delhi             4 ( 8%)
SF Bay Area ;-)       2 ( 4%)
Others               17 (34%)

Comments: No surprises with Bangalore.  Chennai coming in second is a surprise.
Perhaps it just has more conscientious subscribers who took the time to fill out
the survey.  A third of the list is from small cities.  That is a good thing.
"If there were any justice, my face would be on a bunch of crappy
                 merchandise" -- Homer J. Simpson

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