Hi. first letme clarify that Yahoo gives me POP3
access. I have my own POP3 account at my ISP, but i
like to put my email somewhere secure, like Yahoo.
DDoS or whatever, i know i can trust Yahoo with my
mail. I may decide to switch ISPs sometime, and i dont
want to spend the next week telling everyone my new
mail address. 

Now, coming to Linux, this is my position at home:

No phone line. Have net account. makes sense? no, i
know. :) Linux Box, no net account. makes sense? no.
;-) I get free internet access from a cybercafe
accross the street, where i run doze systems masq thru
a linux box. So, i really dont have a choice, but to
use webmail thru yahoo. I cant use POP3 here, altho i
have POP3 access, as i cant leave my mail floating
around in the cyber cafe. 

As for u're mention of Debian. I've been trying to get
this beast for a looong time. I started out with
Slackware (back in '95), thought about Ygddrassil for
a while, couldn't get it, continued with Slack 3.0,
RH5.0, RH5.2, RH 6.1, courtesy PCQ. Now i'm back to
Slackware 7.0, and I really love it. I couldn't get
Debian 2.2 anywhere, and i'm more of a living-on -edge
chap, who wont settle for some lame 2.1 or something
like that. btw, Corel sux. I dont care if its Debian
underneath, but it ain't got GNOME, so it ain't got me
either! ;-)


--- "Ravikant K.Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "Nick" == Nick Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
>     Nick> hehe. just remembered something...
> stpb.soft.net has an open
>     Nick> relay... might as well use that too... 
> (atleast i use it,
>     Nick> as SOL (the ISP here) doesnt offer an SMTP
> to relay messages
>     Nick> outside... ;-)
>       Just wondering, if you ~are~ infact into linux, and
> you do
> seem to be, for I saw that a ~lot~ of the
> messages/traffic on LIH is
> thanks to you... how come you're not using your own
> box?
>       If you were to check my headers, you'd notice that
> I use Exim
> 3.12 off my own debian box (rockford.myip.org) to
> deliver my messages
> for me.
>       IMHO, thats safer/easier than using other weird ass
> smtp
> servers.
>       BTW, another thing, why yahoo.com? Do they give you
> free POP3
> access? I thought not? Try mac.com <-- this is kinda
> tricky...tell me
> if you succeed... or www.mailandnews.com or
> www.symonds.net or
> sdf.lonestar.org or something...
>       Ravi.
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