>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Nick> hehe. just remembered something... stpb.soft.net has an open
    Nick> relay... might as well use that too...  (atleast i use it,
    Nick> as SOL (the ISP here) doesnt offer an SMTP to relay messages
    Nick> outside... ;-)

        Just wondering, if you ~are~ infact into linux, and you do
seem to be, for I saw that a ~lot~ of the messages/traffic on LIH is
thanks to you... how come you're not using your own box?
        If you were to check my headers, you'd notice that I use Exim
3.12 off my own debian box (rockford.myip.org) to deliver my messages
for me.
        IMHO, thats safer/easier than using other weird ass smtp
        BTW, another thing, why yahoo.com? Do they give you free POP3
access? I thought not? Try mac.com <-- this is kinda tricky...tell me
if you succeed... or www.mailandnews.com or www.symonds.net or
sdf.lonestar.org or something...

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