On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, A Shafi Mani wrote:

> 64 MB RAM
> AC97 Sound Card
> i810 chipset.
> Now i  am having problems in the resolution of X. I tried using

        The first advice for i810 chipset users is : install the new
kernel from the pcq or download it from the net. Although your sys is
working it might be better to have the kernel upgraded. The X might work
right then.
        What higher resolutions you are talking about. At 4mb you should
easily get away with 800x600 or even 1024x768 at 24bpp. Are u getting
320x200(?)? Do a X -probeonly to find out if all the modes have been
deleted by X, and only the default is working. If that is the case, take
your monitor manual and set the correct hsysc and vsync. Start with a
lower range ie dont go upto the extreme range as specified in manual
. Keep the values a little lower. 

> XF86Config, Xconfigurator, Xf86Setup but to no avail. I can never get

        What happens when u use the XF86Setup. When choosing the higher
modes, does the disply hang? or X refuses to start. 
        Do not choose the default choosen by XConfigurator.IMO 800x600 with
24 bpp should be fine. See the XF86Config if the settings are proper.

> Is there anyway i can increase this to say 4 or 8MB. Please advice...
        No idea :(

#!!!    If anything can go wrong, _FIX_ it. (To hell with MURPHY)
                                                Ajay kumar Dwivedi
                                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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