S.Thirumani forced the electrons to say:
> Hi,
> Can anybody in the list enlighten me of any application that  I can use
> to format and bring some style to my C code.  Basically I want the C
> code print out to look pretty and quickly readable.

First suggestion - use cindent(1).

Second: read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/CodingStyle.


#include <stdio.h>                                   | Binand Raj S.
char *p = "#include <stdio.h>%cchar *p = %c%s%c;     | This is a self-
int main(){printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);return 0;}%c";    | printing program.
int main(){printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);return 0;}        | Try it!!
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