deval forced the electrons to say:
> I am new to C programming. Just started with Kerninghan and Ritchie. To
> type code, when a file with .c extension was opened in emacs, it entered
> in a mode that helped in styling the code properly.

Ah! I love this! A great chance for a vi/emacs flame war!

Put the following in your .vimrc:

set autoindent
set cindent
syntax on
set showmatch
set tabstop=8
let c_space_errors=1

For a fantastic editor for C programming.

You can also set keywordprg to man and makeprg to make, and use ctags to
generate a tags file. You will never have to leave vim while coding -
you can compile, link, use man pages - just about everything (except
making coffee, but then again, you can try :make coffee) from within vim.


PS: Don't let the first line of this mail fool you. I don't want any more
flame wars here.

#include <stdio.h>                                   | Binand Raj S.
char *p = "#include <stdio.h>%cchar *p = %c%s%c;     | This is a self-
int main(){printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);return 0;}%c";    | printing program.
int main(){printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);return 0;}        | Try it!!
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