"Binand Raj S." proclaimed:
> And Thaths, I have a crib here -
> A better way is ls -l *.html

Ahhh.  You are right.  Mea Culpa.

> This will not give me the correct o/p if I have a few non-html files with
> user/group like somestringhtml in the current directory.

But you *do* have to agree that adding a switch to 'ls' to merely list the
owner of each file is creeping featurism. ;-)  That task is better solved
by piping through grep (or awk if you do not want to see things that have
the search string in other fields of the output of ls like, say, the

"See that ship over there?  They're broadcasting Major League Baseball
       with implied oral conesnt, not express written conesent."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave

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