hai pankaj, i am no expert but here are my humble suggestions. 1:-type linuxconf in the console 2:-expand servertasks,click an config.create a domain and in that give the name of your computer as the name server 3:-expand add/edit and give the names of the other computer in the domain.save and exit. 3:-open /etc/resolv.conf in all the computers. 4:-put the following entry nameserver <ipaddress of the nameserver> 5:-restart named using /etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart 6:-give the command "nslookup". if you get the reply as follows default server <name of the nameserver> well then things r great. hope you are successful anup ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LI is all for free speech, but this list was created for a purpose -- to help popularise Linux in India. If your messages are counterproductive to that purpose, your privileges to submit messages can and will be revoked.