
> and do a free -t it shows between only 4 to 8 MB free (it reaches
> 8 MB free when I disable the screensaver, otherwise it takes
> up another 3-4MB).

        Its OK. Linux will always hog whatever memory available for use as
cache, leaving barely 4-5MB truely free. But as and when you load apps and
they need more, the cache size is dynamically changed to provide the apps
with what they need.
        gnome hogs huge amounts if you use some very graphics extensive
themes - e.g. the pixmap theme - but otherwise you won't find much

> to reduce that 6 to 1. What file do I have to edit to make only
> one copy of mingetty to be spawned ?

        Login as root, edit the /etc/inittab file, and knock off
references to mingetty for tty[2-6]. Then restart init by doing a killall
-HUP init. Make sure you are NOT doing this from a tty in the range
        Hope that helps..

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