On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, thus spake Dr. Sharukh K.R. Pavri:

> Someone (I think it was Suresh) had some trouble compiling pine 4.21 and
> later managed it with some modification. I need to use pine 4.21 for the
> filtering.

Yes, it was me :)  To install pine 4.21 download the tar.gz from
ftp.cac.washington.edu (or from sunsite.serc.iisc.ernet.in)  and copy to
/usr/bin.  On unzipping (gunzip pine-4.21.tar.gz) it will get you a tar
file pine-4.21.tar.

Unpack using tar -xvpf pine-4.21.tar and it will unpack into a separate
folder /usr/bin/pine-4.21

Compile it using the command make slx (or slk) - read the howtos in the
pine-4.21 directory.  It will make everything and put the new binaries for
pine, pilot and pico in /usr/bin/pine-4.21/bin.  Move these to /usr/bin to
overwrite the old binaries.

Or better still, download the pine rpm (search rpmfind.net for this).

For filtering, look at setup from the main menu, keep scrolling down :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian     | President, CAUCE India
http://www.india.cauce.org | Stopping Spam In India
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