Well, even I had been programming in Assembly, C(both IDE and
commandline) etc. for a while now , and I understand how you feel. I
even have written small anti-virii programs in assembly using the old
MSDos debug(NO, writing directly in Op codes was never up my alley).

But I strongly disagree to the notion that "real" programming is only
when you use non-IDE interfaces. It is like people about two decades ago
saying punch-cards programming or op-code programming is better than
keyboard or C programming respectively. I even know some people in those
ages sneering at C, and calling it a tool for non-programmers(compared
to their assembly language!). Change is inevitable, and when change
brings about greater ease and functionality and productivity, it should
be welcomed. I have never used KDevelop(to be honest, i haven't done
much production work on the linux platform), but I believe that
flexibility in IDE's is only a matter of your implementation. If
KDevelop doesn't give you that flexibility, it is a limitation of it's
functionality, not a limitation of the concept of IDE itself. 

Non-IDE development environments has got many passionate followers. But
even more than them are people who felt such environments daunting. Who
knows how many potential "Bill Joys" we have lost that way! 

The typical reaction of these followers has been to keep things that
way(knowledge is power). I rather feel that if the objective is to bring
people and computers(in general, not just Linux) together, these
environments(IDE et al) should get as much support from the non-IDE

- Sandip

P.S. All flames directed to /dev/null

> >Speaking frankly, I don't call programming *progamming* when someone
> >uses tools like VB, Visual Studio. Those things are for people who
> >don't know how to program and Windows is a good platform for VB and
> >Visual Studio. Frankly speaking I don't like the Idea of even
> >Kdevelop. Simply love programming with vi and emacs. Real programmers
> >don't use IDE's. Here at our office, I have seen who people use things
> >like WInVI, gnumake and gcc to program in Windows. And that is the best
> >way !!
> Yes I fully agree to this.
> When I do assembly level programming I do not use any assembler also.
> I write the byte code directly looking at the op codes.
> It gives me an immense satisfaction and full control over the program.
> The satisfaction one gets from debugging can not be explained in words.
> I never considered VB as programming platform ( even though I did lots of
> work in VB when linux was not around me ).

Sandip Bhattacharya
Hope 16 Web Solutions
"Education is what you learn after you have forgotten everything you
learned in school."
- Albert Einstein

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