VIBHU> 1) it should have syntax hilighting. Very usefull for people like me who
 VIBHU> make hell lot of typing errors.

        Emacs has had that for years.

 VIBHU> 2) it should show me all the classes that i have, the files
 VIBHU>    that i have. I am talking about projects which have upward
 VIBHU>    of 20 classes. I don't know about you all, but I have a
 VIBHU>    real dificulty in keeping track of all the info if I don't
 VIBHU>    use an IDE. I have hopeless memory powers.

        Just 20 classes? Anyway, here one begins to need either O-O
 browser (an add on for Emacs), id utils, or a better design (any
 class heirarchy that taxes programers memory is very likeely ill
 designed to start with).

 VIBHU> 3) It should have integrated help. This is really helpful if
 VIBHU>    you are new to programming and you are not sure about the
 VIBHU>    concept or sytax.

        Emacs has info -- very powerful built i help system.

 VIBHU> Let's face it guys, all the software is moving towareds a GUI

        Heh. All software is going away from teh gui look -- it is
 going emvbedded, into appliucances, and going for a more natural
 interface than mice and keyboard.


        And what is left is moving away grom proprietary GUI's and
 into XML based data that can be viewed and manipulated with browsers.

 VIBHU> look. There will be no interest in the industry if Linux would
 VIBHU> only be a text based OS, however powerful it may be. It is
 VIBHU> only with the advent of the GUI in Linux that it is really
 VIBHU> gaining popularity with the masses.

        Some times I wonder if that is a good thing.

 VIBHU> I think that i should give you an insight in what i am doing
 VIBHU> and what problems I face : I am working on Voice over IP. My
 VIBHU> work is making a Voice gateway. Typically this will have
 VIBHU> upwards of 20 k lines of code. upwards of 50 classes.
 VIBHU> something like 100 files of code ( i am not taking about the
 VIBHU> configuration and data files yet ). My work is not
 VIBHU> concentrated on just developing the GUI - which is what most
 VIBHU> people use the IDEs for, but making the server backend. This
 VIBHU> is surely 'programming' , or is this not ? the IDE is not
 VIBHU> making the code for me is it ?

        So what do you have against editors? (BTW, 20k lines is a
 small program -- real programmes start at a 100klocs ;-) ;-)

 VIBHU> Fine, i can do it using the vi editor. But, I will have a real
 VIBHU> punga keeping track of what is it that i am doing. Also I am

        There lies your problem. Use Emacsen.

 VIBHU> working on this alone and on a deadline. At first I had
 VIBHU> thought of doing the work in Linux, but after trying out a few
 VIBHU> sample lines of code, I determined that this cup of tea is not
 VIBHU> for me.

        Well, then. No OS is for everyone. 

 VIBHU> I know there must be countless such persons like me who have
 VIBHU> been "thinking" about starting work in Linux, but had to
 VIBHU> revoke their decisions just because of this.

        As I saidm UNIX/Linux is not a panacea. I respect your
 decidion to go wit6h another OS.

 VIBHU> Also, there are some IDEs available in the market, the ones
 VIBHU> which are good are commercial. As a 'REAL programmer' why
 VIBHU> don't you make a free IDE for use for us novices and
 VIBHU> incorporate all the comments that people are sure to give to
 VIBHU> u.

        And what, pray, is supposed to be our incentive? Most open
 source software is good merely because it scratches an itch the
 programmer has. 

 VIBHU> Sorry for the long mail, but I am really bugged with the so
 VIBHU> called 'gurus' whose sole aim it is to not let people work on
 VIBHU> linux just because they would like their work to be a bit
 VIBHU> easier and not use vi.

        Oh, I have no objection to people working on Linux. I have no
 objection if you use an IDE -- or assembler. By all means go ahead
 and write one -- and if it is DFSG free, I'll even package it for

        But don't come expecting people to be falling all over trying
 to fulfill your merest whim.

 Non-sequiturs make me eat lampshades.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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