Are you useing the Perl CPAN module to install it?

    perl -MCPAN -eshell

>>>>> "Sunil" == test  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sunil> Hello there Greetings

    Sunil> I have installed linux 6.1 and using perl ver
    Sunil> 5.005_03. there is no DBI module installed itself. and when
    Sunil> I try to install DBI-1.13 it shows error in between when I
    Sunil> give make command. error message is

    Sunil> make: *** [Perl.o] Error 1

    Sunil> I donot know how to have a copy of the entire error message
    Sunil> to send along this mail. SO pls. tell me how do i proceed.

    Sunil> Thanks Sunil Dua

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