Siddharth Kashyap wrote:
> Thanks Rphit,

oh .. the cherished and rarely heard words.. aah aahah [all senti]
[recovering senti mode]

> It worked. Now what is this <restricted> Can you please explain.

This will stop anyone from supplying any argument like 'single' etc
to lilo at the time of bootup, unless they know the password which
you specify below this line in your /etc/lilo.conf

See if man lilo tells you more.

> Also, is
> there a way to disable the system from rebooting when I press
> <ctr-alt-del>

hmm... hmm...  check

man shutdown
man reboot
man halt

etc.. I have never tried for this. So would not know.. 
Binand had posted his lilo.conf some days back.
Do you want me to?

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