..... ..... etc......
4] How to use pgp

I'll answer [no 4]  , since I'am working on one PGP like software---
**To install PGP ,go through the readme files in /doc dir ,in case you have
obtained a .rpm version,
   install it from the File Manager using Open With,bring up the  Rpm
installer package and press ,the install bttn.
{ This saves you from typing $ rpm -uvh ... etc  at prompt }
->The PGP related help should be available now in /docs
**** During installation ,the installer asks you which folders to store your
public and private key-ring.
       Tip - in addition to storing your key-rings in the HDD,it is
advisible to store a backup of your key-rings in a Floppy, in case the
Originals are accidentally damaged.

Though PGP is touted as a public key software, public key encryption is used
only to encrypt your keys{ the algorithm used being RSA in older versions
and Deffie-Hellman in newer versions}.
Therefore it is imperative to check with whomesoever you are communicating,
if he is using
a version supported by yours. Exchanging keys between the two systems does
not work.
The actual data is encrypted in a symetric key algorithm ,{Namely IDEA algo}
in both versions .

You encrypt your data using your public key,which you may saftely post to
everyone you like,over insecure lines. But you can decrypt the data you're
only through your private key which you must keep Secret.

In case you recieve someone else's public key you must store it in your
public -key ring. This key is to be used to encrypt the data send to the
person,who uses his private key to decrypt your message;and vice-versa if
you want to check out a message sent to you.

Several public keys are provided in your keyring, you'll see Phil
Zimmerman's[the author's] and several others keys. You could start by
sending them a message with your public key as an attachment.

For more info you, should take a look at the Windows version, which comes
with a .pdf manual.

Kaushik Sen

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