On 7/16/07, Gerald Folcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
> I wonder if the attached is all that is needed for your wheel to work...

No, but I think I understand where is the confusion:
It won't work because my wheel is the "Force Feedback" model, not the
"Rumble Force" model which is cheaper but looks exactly the same. With
your patch applied as is, my wheel will neither do rumble effects nor
constant force effects, the force feedback test utilities 'ffcfstress'
and 'ffmvforce' will spit an error message on startup and exit. And
'fftest' will think my wheel can do Rumble but trying such effects will
effectively trigger hazardous constant forces on my wheel.

But your patch would maybe work for the actual Rumble wheel if you
change the id to 0x651, which is the id of the Rumble version according
to the MS-Windows registry on a machine where I installed the
Thrustmaster drivers (the registry is full of id's of the wheels
supported by the driver).

While the id of my wheel (Force Feedback) is: 0x654 (and according to
the aforementioned MS-Windows registry there is also an id 0x652 for a
Thrustmaster wheel with the same name).

OK, how about this then?


Attachment: hid-add-thrustmaster-fgt-wheel.patch
Description: Binary data

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